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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query mobile. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Blackmart Alpha Free Download Latest Version Full APK For Android

Blackmart Alpha is a great app for Android devices including mobile phones and tablets which can be used to download premium Android apps for free from Black Market. The app is developed for trying Android apps before purchasing and thus you can download and a try any premium application on your Android devices before buying the app. 

Blackmart, when installed on any Android device, makes a lot of apps available for free download directly from Black Market. It downloads full APKs of apps and thus you can download any kind of app right on your Android device without spending any money. For this reason, Blackmart Alpha has become one of the most favorite app among Android users.
One and only drawback of Blackmart is the slower download speed of apps via this application. As Black Market is a free platform, so they don’t have enough resources to provide powerful servers for their users. In such a situation, uncountable downloads via the app slow down Blackmart servers which result in poorer download speed for apps. 

The latest version of Blackmart Alpha at the moment is v. and you can download the full APK of this app at below provided link. Download the full APK, install it on your device and access uncountable apps for free right on your Android phone or tablet. 

How to Install Blackmart Alpha? 

It is simple to download Blackmart Alpha on your device. To install it on your device, simply access the download link form your Android phone or tablet. Your device’s OS will recognize the app and will initiate its installation once the app is downloaded. Alternatively, you can download and install the app via your PC too. Simply download the app (full APK) via your computer and then transfer it to your phone via connectivity cable or via Bluetooth. Then access the file on your device to start its installation.  

Are you ready to download the latest version of Blackmart Alpha? Download it at below provided link: 

Saturday 15 November 2014

Internet security system.

                       ETHICAL HACKING

Free e-book on ethical hacking Internet Security System, hack like a pro. This E-book contains the following contents:

1. Attack types and vulnerabilities.
a. Case study: The dangers of mobile code

2. Searching for public corporate information.
a. Passive information gathering

3. Searching for technical information.
a. Gathering technical information
b. Zone transfer
c. Significant resource record (RR's)
d. Tools used to query name servers

4. Network scanning.
a. Firewall and gateway design traits
b. Ping sweeps
c. Traceroute
d. Network mapping
e. SMTP headers
f. Local scanning and sniffing

5. Interpreting network results.
a. Live hosts

6. Host scanning.
a. Vulnerability scanning
b. Masterclass: Port scanning and OS identification

7. Interpreting host results.
a. Masterclass: Good firewall design
b. Packet filtering TCP/UDP/ICMP
c. Proxy servers
d. Network level firewall and application level

8. Vulnerability and exploit research.
a. Buffer overflow
b. Detecting buffer overflows
c. Exploit Chains
d. Web servers and FTP sites
e. IRC

9. Theoretical exploitation.
a. Web spoofing
b. Distributed denial of service attack
c. Attack survival
d. Attack prevention
e. Attack forensics

10. Exploitation in action.
a. RDS exploit
b. eEye
c. Firewall-1 dos/jolt2.c and cpd.c
d. Back orifice 
e. Buffer overflows
f. TCP session hijacking

11. Summary.
a. Passive information gathering
b. Active information gathering
c. Firewall and router assessment
d. Mitnick versus shimomura

Sharing is Caring.
Click the download button below to get this E-book for free.

Monday 1 September 2014

How to Bypass Pattern Lock on Android

How to Bypass Pattern Lock on android : these days during this post i planning to discuss concerning the way to Bypass Pattern Lock on android, pin or positive identification lock. In lately android is most used package and everybody use android phones. android package is provided by Google. android phones is incredibly well-liked in lately. several peoples use differing types of applications in android phone. Some peoples uses android lock pattern and lots of peoples typically forget their lock pattern.

Note : This post is Education Purpost solely, don’t use any illigal activity. Suddenly if you forget your android lock pattern, therefore don’t worry, I even have terribly easy technique to unlock or reset the android lock pattern.
Android could be a terribly fascinating and really interface and it's become very hip among mobile and widget users been the package use currently. the matter users face now could be the way to disable or unlock android phone positive identification or pattern lock that has become common currently.
When you enter wrong secret quite five times then it'll provide you with warning and you are attempting once thirty seconds. however when you forget secret then you reset lock. currently click forget secret, then enter gmail id and secret (you entered in Google play store). At this time you would like to reset or unlock your android lock. however if you don’t apprehend email id and secret then follow below easy steps to reset or unlock you humanoid phone. however once use this technique, you lose all data in your phone memory.

No one is prefect therefore you meant have forgotten your android positive identification or maybe pattern you used for the pattern lock, during this post, i will be able to discuss concerning the way to Bypass Pattern Lock on android that's already lock simply with some few simple tips, all you simply got to do is to follow directions,

How to Bypass Pattern Lock on android Education Purpose Only:
To get your pattern lock or positive identification of your android device unbarred please follow the directions well and am certain you'll get what you're planning to get your device unbarred while not drawback.
1 ) initial of all, you wish to modify off your android device and keep it for a few time.

How to Bypass Pattern Lock on android : If you face any drawback relating to this post, please tell me in below comments

Friday 14 November 2014

How to Track Who Views Your Facebook Profile

Why can't I see who is stalking my Facebook profile?
There are other social networks that do let you see who's viewed your profile, mainly LinkedIn and its "Who's Viewed Your Profile" feature.
Regular users can see a recent list of who has been spying on you, along with some basic analytics, while paid users can see up to 90 days worth of viewers, as well as more detailed analytics. It's great for seeing potential job interest and company prospects.
And what's better than finding a hot girl that has a great job? Finding one that viewed your profile. So, why doesn't Facebook jump on board? How great would it be to know when a girl you just friended viewed your profile and photos? It would be pretty clutch.
While there isn't a built-in feature to see who exactly has checked you out, you still might be able to get some information on how often your Facebook friends are viewing your profile.

Can You Use Facebook's "InitialChatFriendsList"?

Many rumors on the web claim that Facebook secretly exposes your recent visitors in an array variable (aka: a list of IDs) in the page source code called the InitialChatFriendsList. While this variable does not actually contain the IDs of people stalking your profile, it does give us an interesting peek into how Facebook's algorithms rank your relationships with your friends.
Facebook prioritizes the friends in your chat list using an internal (not-publicly documented) algorithm that appears to be based off of how often you communicate with each of your friends. From my research it appears to take into account recent interactions (in messages, chat, or comment threads) and frequency of recent chats.
It's rumored across the web that the person located at the very top of your "InitialChatFriendsList" is the person who last looked at your profile, but this is wrong. People you never have contact with will most likely be at the very bottom, and those that you communicate with more frequently will probably be up top.

Debunking the InitialChatFriendsList Stalker Rumor...

For me, the first three profiles that showed up were with people that I messaged or chatted with yesterday. To substantiate my claim that thisdoes not show people viewing you, I had my roommate check out my profile about 25 times in an hour. I went back in to check my list, and it remained unchanged.
So, it most definitely does not prioritize people checking out your profile at the top of the list. But still, it's a fun way to check out who you have contact with most (though, you should probably already know that).

Finding the InitialChatFriendsList

If you'd like to view it for yourself, you can easily find this list by viewing the source code of your profile page. To do this, just go to your profile page, right-click in an empty area on the side, and select "View Page Source."
Image via
This will you show the page's source code. From here, go ahead and pressCommand+F (Mac) or Control+F (Windows) to open the find feature. In the search field, enter InitialChatFriendsList and you'll be taken to the list in the code.
However, it will not show names or links to your friends' profiles. Instead, it shows their Facebook IDs (numbers).
This large list of profile IDs (each separated by commas) is actually your full list of friends.

Turning Numbers into Names

To see whose face matches a number, go ahead and copy the number ID of who you want to check out. You only need to copy the full number that appears in-between the quotation marks, and before the hyphen (the last number after the hyphen doesn't matter).
Then just paste it into a new tab or window using the URL below, substituteNUMBERID for your friend's actual ID number.
Hit enter and you'll be taken to your friend's profile.

A More Visual Approach...

If diving into the source code seems too intimidating, you can see a visual representation of the top few people in your InitialChatFriendsList by doing the following:
  1. From the desktop view (this won't work on mobile), make sure your browser window is small enough to hide the sidebar, making the chat window float at the bottom right of your browser window.
  2. If you're logged into chat, turn off chat for all friends (you can do this using the gear icon). You'll need to do this as chat will reorder the list based on who's online whenever you're signed in.
  3. Refresh the browser window (this makes sure it doesn't remember who's online and who isn't).
  4. Click the little "Chat (off)" bar at the bottom right to switch it on, and pay close attention to the list of friends you initially see.
  5. For a second or two, the friends you'll see will be the ones from your InitialChatFriendsList.
  • Note 1: You'll have to look closely as the moment chat finishes logging you in, it'll get an updated list based on who's currently online. Once you see green dots next to anyone's name, you'll know it's now showing your online friends instead of your InitialChatFriendsList.
  • Note 2: You can always repeat steps 2-4 if you miss it the first time.
  • Note 3: Once chat is online, those who are online are pushed up to the top, with the secondary sort being based off of the InitialChatFriendsList order.

Faster Alternative Method...

If you have the updated Facebook look, it's easier to do the reverse and expand the width of your browser window until you see the combo Ticker and Chat sidebar. This will actually show you a list of your friends whether you have Chat turned on or off, so you have all the time in the world to look at the top of the InitialChatFriendsList.
You can adjust the slider to make the Chat box bigger to see more friends. If you still see the grey "Chat (off)" box in the bottom, you probably don't have the updated look yet.
Really, this is just a more visual way to debunk the theory that the people listed first are the people spying on your profile.

The Next Best Thing: Groups and Messages

The notorious "Seen By" feature is built into the Messages and Group sections. Anytime a post or photo is uploaded, you can check to see who saw the item right there in the message.
Of course, this isn't the same as seeing everyone that viewed your profile, but you can at least see everyone that viewed your message or group post. Since I hate this feature, I'm glad this hasn't leaked out to any other Facebook applications.

Beware of False Applications

Do not give any Facebook application that claims to show you who's viewed your profile access to your account data, and do not download any third-party program onto your computer that promises the same. They do not work. These are basic phishing attempts meant to spam you and your friends or steal your login data. Never click any links on facebook claiming to know who viewed yours, or your friends profiles. They're all scams. Guaranteed.

Will There Ever Be a Way?

So, while there is no current way to see who has actually viewed your Facebook profile, you can see who has recently been in some sort of contact with you through the InitialChatFriendsList, and see who has viewed your comments or posts in a Group or Message.
Given the number of (fairly successful) scams based on seeing who's viewed your profile, it's clear that the demand for such a feature is there. But the current anonymity does allow for worry-free browsing of friends profiles without worrying about them thinking (realizing?) you're stalking them. It's a delicate balance that I doubt they'll change, as doing so would ultimately change many people's behavior on the site.
Let us know in the comments if you think Facebook should create a "Viewed By" feature or if you like the anonymity as that's currently provided

Strong Password.

  Do it now before it's too late.

Password strength is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting guessing and brute-force attacks. In its usual form, it estimates how many trials an attacker who does not have direct access to the password would need, on average, to guess it correctly. The strength of a password is a function of length, complexity, and unpredictability. 
1.Minimum length 8 characters :
►As a rule of thumb, your password must never be below 8 characters. If an attacker happens to use a brute-force attack on your account,which is just trying every possible comobination - with every addition of a character the time taken for the BF attack to crack your password increases exponentially. On average, while it may take just a few minutes to crack open a 6 character password, the time taken for cracking an 8 character password is measured in days and weeks. Assuming your attacker doesn't have a a billion dollar ExaFlop supercomputer after your account, your password is reasonably safe if it is over 8 characters in length(ExaFlop = 10^18 calculations per second).
2.Names and '123' are out of the question :
►The most common passwords are "Name123". Whenever someone is after your account, the first thing they try is common passwords like this. Whoever that person is, you have to assume the worst. It might be some random old guy in his mom's garage or maybe your best friend goofing around, you must assume they know everything about you- your name(duh), amily member's names, favourite sportsmen, actors, singers- everything. This is the safest way to go. A surprisingly large number of people simply append a '123' to the front or back of a common object thinking they are very smart, but this is the most predictable password there is. Most hackers will start straight away by adding that '123', and if your password is anything like this, you're screwed. Change it ASAP! 
One more thing that deserves mention here is the so called "Security Question". Reason being that people who know you will know questions about you like "What was your first pet's name?" or "In what town were you born?" - some of the most common security questions. Plus, the people who know you are far more likely to be interested in taking a peek at your private messages than a random old guy in a garage.
Hence, I recommend to never actually use the security questions in the way they are meant to be used. Don't use a direct answer, use something that the question reminds you of. While these may offer another layer of protection from annonymous attackers, they can make cracking your account fairly easy by the people who know you. As an example, someone you know well if left alone with access to your mobile phone might be able to get into your Facbook account with no difficulties at all. Always treat security question as an emergency password, it should be unobvious but easy to remember. 
3.Random things? Think again.
►There's something called a dictionary attack. In a nutshell, it means that your attacker has a dictionary, and a program that will throw every word in the dictionary as an attempt to crack your password. After trying out your own and related names +'123', this is what the Hacker is going to try next - A dictionary attack. So it is better if you keep your password well away from any real words.
Although still not a 100% safe, 'potjack123' is much safer than 'jackpot123'. 
4.Turn it around :
►Now a password like 'aGF$hvYH916!~**' is probably as safe as it can get, but it's not exactly easy to remember and definitely not easy to type quickly. For this reason, I(for one) turn words around. What I mean by that is instead of using 'velocity', use 'yticolev'. While as a normal word, it's easy to guess but after reversing the characters it's unrecognizable.
After a few times, you'll get used to it and will be able to type it as quickly as the other one. 
5.Throw in symbols and numbers easily :
►If you're like most people, your current passwords probably don't have any weird symbols. But I have a quick way of adding both numbers and symbols to your password.
Here's an example -
Looks weird, right? Well that's the point. What we have here is, the base word 'velocity' - reversed, a '567' at the start (which is much better than a '123'), and at the end I have seemingly random symbols which are actually just 'SHIFT + 567', that is these are actually the ones written above '567' on your keyboard respectively. So all you have to remember is velocity and '567' and within a few days you'll be able to type this as fast as any other password but only this one will be relatively impenetrable. (Unless of course you have a supercomputer after your ass, in which case you're screwed XD) 
6.Capitalize- The final blow :
►You might be wondering what's the point of adding so much random stuff to your password. Our main goal is basically to expand the number of characters which your attacker has to test to find your password. So - Small alphabets = 26 characters, Numbers = 10 more, Symbols = around 20 more. But if you throw in even just one Capital alphabet, that means your attacker has another 26 freaking characters to test which means, in this case, he's screwed. Reason being the brute-force attack I mentioned earlier. Say your password is the one in the last point with a capital 'V' and 'Y' :
So that's 14 characters with upper and lower case alphabets, numbers and symbols. Believe it or not, such is the power of exponential growth that it will actually take an average computer BILLIONS even TRILLIONS of years to crack your password. Now even if your insane attacker can somehow get a supercomputer, it would take him several thousands of years to get your password. After even a fraction of this time we can safely assume that he would have lost all his money buying the supercomputer and the will to do whatever he wanted to do with your account. (You can calculate the exact time by using permutations and combinations and the speed of the CPU) 
One last thing, by using the same passwords for several different accounts you'll only be making the hacker's job easier. But yes, remembering a dozen passwords is probably not worth it. For this I suggest making tiny changes. If you use 567velocity for gmail, you can use 456velocity for facebook, 678velocity for yahoo etc. To hack the next account the hacker will have to go through all the combinations all over again and that for him, will probably not be worth it. 
So there you have it! For all practical purposes a password like this will be impenetrable throughout your lifetime. (Nevertheless, I still recommend changing your password around twice a year or so. That's because you're not the only one reading this article.)

Saturday 6 June 2015

How to hack Whatsapp account

We have received many requests for some advance level Hacking tips so in this post of Learn Hacking, we are going to share one of our Coolest Hacks till date ie.. How to Hack Whatsapp Account 

About Whatsapp
Though I am pretty sure most of you might be knowing about whatsapp but still here is a brief into about the same.

Whatsapp Messenger is a cross platform quick messaging application. Whatsapp is assured really the foremost fashionable quick electronic messaging for smartphones. Whatsapp Messenger is accessible for iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other. And you all have heard of it if you are not using it. Given below are the several whatsapp hacks or tricks you should know if you are using whatsapp.

Whatsapp hack to spy on some other account
So if all of you have noticed you cannot have your whatsapp account logged in two devices. Means session is given to only one MAC address. If the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the device seeking access changes then whatsapp asks you to again verify your account.
How to Hack Whatsapp Account
All you need is to get access to victim phone to get the victims phone “MAC address along with the verifying massage” which is acquired to verify your device.
·         Get mac address on your android phone.
·         Finding MAC address on an Android Phones
·         On your phone’s home screen, click on menu, then go to setting.
·         Click on about phone.
·         Click on the status.
·         And then view your Wi-Fi MAC address.
·         As soon the message is received Push the MAC address as well as Verifying code to your server or mail it your ID. That banks on your convince.
·         Cheat your phone’s MAC address to the Victims address and install whatsapp and after that type the verify code.
·         And now its done. You get full access to the victim’s whatsapp ID. So now you can keep spying/watching your victim’s movements.
·         That means you and the victim is using the same ID from different devices.
·         Whatsapp hack to use it by not using your number
·         This hack works by cheating the Whatsapp Verification Servers by sending a spoofed request for an authorisation code expected for a different phone.
·         Install Whatsapp on your device. Whatsapp now opens a counter where it sends a verification message to its servers.
·         Block the message service – it can be blocked by changing the message centre number or turning the phone into Airplane mode.
Whatsapp now gives a substitute method of verification – Select verify through SMS and fill in your email address. Once you click to send the SMS press cancel to abort the call for authorisation to the Whatsapp server.
·         Now you have to do sms Spoofing.
·         Examine your outbox and copy the message details into the spoofer application and send the spoofed verification.
·         You will now receive messages expected for the spoofed number on your mobile device and you can communicate with people under the spoofed number.
Note:- This information has been shared to create awareness among people regarding the “Ways to Hack Whatsapp” so that you can protect yourself from getting hacked. In no way do we promote misusing of the information.
Now that you know How to Hack Whatsapp account, you are good to protect yours.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

How to Optimize the Performance of Windows 8 and 8.1

Information :- This tutorial will provide you with a list of suggestions to help optimize, speed up, and improve the performance of Windows 8Windows RTWindows 8.1, and Windows RT 8.1
You can pick and choose which listed suggestions you would like to do, or feel comfortable doing. If you do not notice an increase in performance or have a problem with the suggestion, then you can always go back and undo the suggestion at it's provided tutorial link.
If you like, please feel free to post any of your own suggestions that you find to help the performance of Windows 8.

Note :-

Windows 8 and 8.1 Minimum System Requirements

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver

Here's How:

1. Install More and/or Faster RAM

The more RAM (memory) you have, the better your performance can be up to a point. Usually 3 GB (32-bit) or 4 GB (64-bit) will be the sweet spot and plenty unless you do memory intensive actions such as video editing or a lot of multitasking.

Memory performance will depend on fast the bandwidth MHZ rating (higher the better) is, and if you are using DDR3 memory in triple channel mode instead of just one or a mix of RAM sticks in only single channel mode. It's best to have all of your RAM sticks with the exact same specs.

You will need to check your motherboard specs to see how much and what type of RAM it supports.

2. Use a SSD (Solid State Drive) instead of HDD (Hard Disk Drive)

Installing Windows 8 on a SSD will give you a dramatic increase in performance over a HDD.

SSD vs HDD | - Storage Reviews

SSD vs Hard Drive

3. Install the Latest BIOS and Device Drivers

Make sure that you have the latest available drivers installed for all of your devices, and BIOS version for your motherboard. These will often have updates that correct new bugs, bugs from the previous versions, and may add new features, and increase performance. You can get them at your device manufacturer's website. The release notes (if available) of the driver or BIOS version will tell you what changes have been made since the last version to see if you wish to install it or not. Be sure to have the correct versions for your 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 8.

4. Check for and Install Windows Updates

Microsoft usually releases important updates on the second Tuesday once a month. However, updates could be released at any time. You should check for and install available Windows Updates that could include bug fixes, security patches, Windows Defender definitions, etc.... that could help keep stable and/or improve the performance of Windows.

5. Use the "High Performance" Power Plan

The "High performance" power plan maximizes system performance and responsiveness. However, if you use a mobile PC running on battery power, then you will notice that your battery doesn't last as long while using this plan. You can adjust your power plan settings to fit your needs.

6. Put your PC to Sleep or Hibernate instead of a Full Shut Down

If your PC does not run primarily off of a battery, then using sleep mode will allow your PC to wake up almost instantly compared to a starting up from a full shutdown.

If your PC does run on battery, then using hibernate, or fast startup below, will allow your PC to resume quicker compared to starting up from a full shutdown. Don't use hibernate if you are going to keep your PC in a bag for very long since it could cause the PC to overheat.

7. Turn On Fast Startup for a Hybrid Boot/Shutdown

Fast Startup
 (aka: hybrid boot or hybrid Shutdown) is a new feature in Windows 8 to help your PC start up faster after shutting down. When turned on, Windows 8 does this by using a hybrid shutdown (a partial hibernate) method that saves only the kernal session and device drivers (system information) to the hibernate (hiberfil.sys) file on disk instead of closing it when you shut down your PC. This also makes the hiberfil.sys file to be much smaller than what hibernate would use (often 4GB or more). When you start your PC again, Windows 8 uses that saved system information to resume your system instead of having to do a cold boot to fully restart it. Using this technique with boot gives a significant advantage for boot times, since reading the hiberfile in and reinitializing drivers is much faster on most systems (30-70% faster on most systems tested). If you have a motherboard with UEFI, then fast startup will be even faster.

8. Disable Hibernate if Not Used

If you do not use hibernate or Fast Startup, then disabling hibernate will save you a GB+ size file from being saved on your hard drive when you hibernate the PC. When hibernate is disabled, the shut down time will also be shorter by not having to wait on memory being saved to the hiberfil.sys file.

9. Turn Off Unneeded Visual Effects

You can optimize performance by changing how menus and windows appear. Uncheck the visual effect options that you do not want or need, or select the Adjust for best performance option, to help performance. The most common visual effects to uncheck are:

  • Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
  • Animations in the taskbar
  • Fade or slide menus into view
  • Fade or slide ToolTips into view
  • Fade out menu items after clicking
  • Show shadows under windows
  • Slide open combo boxes

10. Speed Up Windows Shut Down Time

You can set and adjust the AutoEndTasksHungAppTimeoutWaitToKillAppTimeout, and/orWaitToKillServiceTimeout values for how long Windows waits for hung programs and other programs to save data and close before shutting down.

11. Reduce Time to Display "Choose and operating system" at Boot

If you have more than one operating system installed along with Windows 8 for a dual or multi boot system, then you could change the amount of time you wait before the default operating systemruns automatically at startup, or until you select an OS to run.

12. Enable Write Caching for Storage Devices

This option is usually the best choice to use for storage devices that must provide the highest possible performance, and that you intend to not remove from the system frequently, such as internal hard disk drives.

13. Move Page File to Separate Hard Disk

Moving the page file to a second physical hard drive instead of the same C: drive that Windows is on can help improve the performance of Windows if the other hard drive is at least as fast or faster than the Windows drive. Doing this allows Windows to use the page file on one drive while not having to interrupt reads or writes on the Windows drive. Be sure to let the page file be System Managed. Windows does a great job of keeping your page file in peak condition and performance.

14. Uninstall Unneeded Programs

Most OEM computers that you buy at a retail outlet have a ton of bloatware and trial software installed on it. Some of these can take up a lot of resources. Uninstall the programs that you do not use from Programs and Features.

15. Disable or Delete Unneeded Startup Items

Startup items are the programs, shortcuts, folders, drivers, etc... that are set to run automatically at startup when a user signs in to Windows 8. Disabling or deleting them from running at startup can improve startup time and reduce the amount of system resources being be used by them. It is also a good idea to check your startup items every once in awhile to help make sure that some unknown program or malware has not placed itself to run at the startup of Windows.

16. Reduce the Startup Delay Time for Desktop Apps

When Windows 8 starts up and/or you sign in, any desktop apps that have been set to run at startup are delayed by a few (5-10) seconds before they actually run by default now. Previous Windows did not have this delay for startup programs.

While you cannot completely eliminate this startup delay, you can reduce the delay time to help.

17. Set Unused Services to Manual or Disabled

Services use processes that run in the background using part of your computer's resources. Check through your services with the help of the guide provided in this link, and stop and set to manual the services that affects features that you do not use or need to gain a tiny bit more performance.

 WARNING: Disabling the wrong service could hurt performance, or even cripple Windows. If you do not truly know what you are doing, then it's highly recommended to not do this.

18. Set to Go to Desktop or Start when You Sign in or Close Apps

To save yourself a click, you could set to have Windows go directly to either your desktop or Start screen by default when you sign in to Windows or close modern apps.

19. Automatically Sign in to User Account at Startup

If you are the only one that uses your home PC, then you could set Windows to automatically sign in to your user account at startup to save you time from having to manually sign in.

You may also wish to do this:

  • How to Require a Password after Display is Off for Specified Time in Windows 8.1
  • How to Enable or Disable Password Protection on Wakeup in Windows 8 and 8.1

 WARNING: Doing this will also allow anyone with access to your PC to be automatically signed in to your user account if they startup Windows.

20. Disable or Uninstall Internet Explorer Add-ons and Toolbars

Disabling or uninstalling any unneeded installed add-ons in Internet Explorer will help the performance of Internet Explorer.

21. Disable First Sign-in Animation for New Users

While the first sign-in animation may be helpful to new users to see when they sign-in for the first time, disabling the first sign-in animation will give a faster new account preparation time.

22. Disable Help Tips for New Users

In Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1, new users will now see pop-up help tips when they first move the pointer near the hidden CharmsStart, and Switcher access points to help ID what they are for and how to open them. By default, Windows will show these help tips until the user has successfully completed the scenarios to open the UI. If you do not want these help tips, then disabling will save the user's time by not having to go through them.

23. Change Automatic Maintenance Settings and Time

Maintenance activity in Windows is designed to run in the background with limited user interaction and minimal impact to performance and energy efficiency. You should change the Automatic Maintenance to what time you want to run the daily maintenance tasks, and if to allow the scheduled maintenance to wake the computer to run at the scheduled time. It's best to set the time to when you will not be using the computer, but when the computer is still turned on or asleep if set to wake up.

You might also:

  • Change "Optimize Drives" Schedule Settings
  • Turn Automatic Windows Updates On or Off

24. Use Optimize Drives to TRIM SSDs and Defrag HDDs

By default, Optimize Drives runsautomatically on a weekly schedule (if turned on) during the time you have set for automatic maintenance. However, you should check and optimize your drives at least once a week to keep them from being defragmented and performing well.

25. Speed Up the Menu Show Time

This reduce the amount of time it takes for a menu in Windows to pop, fade, or slide open when you run the mouse pointer over it.

26. Speed Up Mouse Hover Time

You can change the delay time, in milliseconds, that the mouse pointer has to stay hovered on a item before it is selected or opens a pop-up in Windows.

27. Keep your Index Enabled and Updated, or Disable the Index

Your needs for the index, searches, and libraries will determine what will be best for you. The indexing service helps to make the search function in Windows 8 run much faster. However, it can also drain your computer’s hardware resources, particularly on older machines.

By default the index is enabled in Windows. If you do a lot of searches in specific locations or for specific file types, then searching using the index with these locations and file types added to be included in the index could help give you faster search results than doing non index searches. If you find that the index search results are not accurate, then rebuilding the index will update the index for accurate search results afterwards.

If you like to only do non index searches to always have accurate search results, then you could either disable the index or set your Search options to not use the index when searching in file folders for system files. Non index searches will take a bit longer to give search results. If you disable the index, then this will help your hard drive not run as much while the index (if enabled) automatically updates itself in the background when your computer is idle. If you disable the index, you will also no longer be able to search within libraries.

28. Set "Turn off hard disk after" to Never or Increase Time

While having your HDDs turn off after set x amount of idle minutes can help save energy, it can also cause your PC to pause while waiting for the HDD to spin back up when needed. You could either set this to never turn off the HDDs, or increase the amount of idle minutes before turning off the HDDs to avoid it being turned off while you may still need it and have to wait for it to spin back up as often.

29. Disable Program Compatibility Assistant

The Program Compatibility Assistant (PCA) runs in the background and monitors user initiated programs for known compatibility issues at run time. Whenever a potential issue with an application is detected, the PCA will prompt the user with pointers to recommended solutions. Disabling the PCA will stop it from running in the background and using system resources.

30. Clean Your Computer

Keeping the fans and inside of your computer clean and dust free can help prevent performance issues. Dust acts as an insulator, making it harder for your hardware to dissipate the buildup of heat. When this problem becomes significant enough for your computer to overheat, certain components such as your processor or graphics card may temporarily throttle back their clock speeds in order to prevent damage to your hardware.

31. Set CPU Priority Level of a Process

By default, Windows shares the processor time between all running processes based upon their priority level. If a process has a higher priority, it gets more processor time compared to a process having a lower priority.

You could set priority of an application or process to run with a RealtimeHighAbove Normal,NormalBelow Normal, or Low processor priority level. You could have a task from an application or process finish faster by giving it a higher priority level, or by setting a non urgent task to a lower priority level to allow other tasks to have more priority.
32. Change Maximum Download Connections per Server Limit in Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer has a limit for the amount of simultaneously downloads per website or server.
  • Internet Explorer 7 and earlier versions limit the number of files that you can download at one time to two by default.
  • Internet Explorer 8 and Internet Explorer 9 limit the number of files that you can download at one time to six by default.
  • Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11 limit the number of files that you can download at one time to eight by default.

In addition, if you visit a website with lots of images (and supporting files like CSS styles and Javascript), then you could have a slower browsing experience. On average, your browser could have to make several requests to the site's server before it can finish loading the page. Requesting all the files needed to download with the default 8 (ex: IE11) at a time is going to be slower than requesting say 16 files at a time.

As internet connection speeds increase, the default number of simultaneous downloads to a single website or server may be to restrictive and not meet your needs.

By following the above steps, you will be able to completely optimize the Performance of Windows 8 and 8.1. If you still experience issues, contact online Services like US Helplines, who will guide you through the optimization process at a low cost.


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